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for being magic AF
2024 Witches Calender
The Coven
Casting the Spell
School Of Light
Mars Retrograde
Not only are we in the season of Scorpio going through deep transformation (death and rebirth), we now have Mars in retrograde for us to review what actions we need to change so that we can rise from the ashes and birth a new version of ourselves.

New Moon in Scorpio + Solar Eclipse
A New Moon in Scorpio arrives on Tuesday 25 October at 9.48pm (aest) with a Solar Eclipse to add to the intensity.
It's the beginning of a new lunar cycle plus another eclipse season (which happens every 6 months).

The people pleaser in me must die
The energy was ecstatic and high. So much electricity moving through my body that I had to do something. I wanted to get out of the house. I needed to get away from what I didn't want to deal with.

Full Moon in Aries
Our Full Moon in Aries arrives on Monday 10 October at 7.54am. We get to use the flames of this fire sign to transform our challenges into motivation and passion for where we need to put our energy.

Are you journalling the right way?
There are many ways to approach your journal and reflection time, and it depends on what kind of person you are. Are you a 'thinker', a 'feeler', or you just 'know'.
Here are your journal tips, if you are:

New Moon in Libra
Our New Moon in Libra arrives Monday 26 September at 7.54am. We are in a potent portal and here is the breakdown:
Spring Equinox = Fertility and birthing ideas / projects / dreams
New Moon = New beginnings, New start, New patterns
Libra = relationships, balance and harmony

Spring Equinox
Dust off the cobwebs and go for a hike as you feel a resurgence of your energy levels. This is Spring Equinox waking us up, inviting us to smell the roses and get creative.

Mercury Stations Retrograde
With Mercury stationing retrograde, the planet of communication is going back to make sure you have learnt your lessons.
✞ Where is it you've not expressed yourself authentically?
✞ Why do you feel misunderstood?
✞ Are your ways of thinking serving the new version of yourself?
✞ Are you overcompensating?
You may be having experiences right now that mirror these reflections. It is a good time to be reflective, not reactive. Start to see your environment as messages from Spirit.

Full Moon in Pisces
Our Full Moon in Pisces arrives this Saturday 10 September at 7.59pm. With the Sun in Virgo and our Moon in Pisces, we have the Earth and Water element supporting us.
We can activate our practical, down-to-earth self in combination with an unattached outlook and surrender to the flow.

Stay Honest to Attract
To attract what you want, you must live in alignment with your highest purpose, you must be honest with yourself and to those around you.
If there is a time when you have held back what feels true for you, you are …

New Moon in Virgo
Our New Moon in Virgo arrives on this Saturday 27 August at 6.17pm. This fresh new beginning brings a methodical energy to help you bring order and organisation to your mind.

Full Moon in Aquarius
Our Full Moon in Aquarius peaks this Friday 12 August at 11.35am (aest). Break free from your mind cage of limitation and find freedom in living your wildest dreams.

Being Heart Centered
I would often find myself going to bed... it was the only way I could deal with feeling shitty, overwhelmed and overthinking.
I wanted to honour the emotions, but actually I just couldn't pull myself out of the hole I had over-thought my way into.

Leadership of the Heart
Recently I learnt a new way to understand our three brains: the head, the heart and the gut.
It comes from the 8th principle of natural law. The simplest synopsis I can give you is... if you want to manifest anything in your life, you must connect with your heart and give attention to that.

New Moon in Leo
Our NEW MOON IN LEO arrives this Friday 29 July at 3.54am (aest). Think big hair, outrageous parties and social confidence for the month ahead!

Third Quarter Moon Phase
As we recover from the full moon, our girl moves into her waning phase; with the third quarter moon rising at midnight and setting at midday.
This is the time to finalise the releasing process, complete cutting the ties, and forgive all those that have offended you.

A remedy for procrastination
Procrastination can cause anxiety and irritability if we don't address what is underneath it. We can create so much energy around procrastination and waste so much time calling everyone we know telling them about our procrastination.

Full Moon in Capricorn
Full Moon in Capricorn arrives this Thursday 14th July at 4.37am (aest) to help you release old victim patterns + alchemise them into a motivational and constructive force.

The Compromise to Multi Tasking
What are you compromising by being that busy?
You are ticking so many things off the list.
The busier you are the more you seem to get done.
It can feel good, being productive, getting sh*t done.

First Quarter Moon Phase
As she has moved on from her new moon phase, our girl is now waxing.
In this phase she rises at midday and sets at midnight.
This is the time to be creative and keep your positive state high now that you’ve planted your new moon seeds of intention.