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2024 Witches Calender
The Coven
Casting the Spell
School Of Light

Mars enters Libra
We have felt the shift from yesterday, your actions and they way you do things require balance. Everything you DO needs to align with your values or you will feel robbed.

Full Moon in Pisces
The Super Blue Full Moon in Pisces goes exact on Thursday 31 August at 11.35am, but we are already feeling it. Watch our beautiful symbol of femininity and emotionality rise tonight and howl with her.

Hello Virgo Season
Celebrate your humble Virgo friends, and make a special effort to take them on an adventure and tear them away from their hard working mentality. They deserve to be celebrated!

Full Moon in Aquarius
Our Full Moon in Aquarius goes exact at 4.31am (AEST) on 02 August and wants you to feel free. It wants you to realise you are the creator, the innovator of your life.

Sun enters Leo
The Sun has entered Leo and in true Lioness form, we now begin birthday celebrations for the whole month!
We don’t just have one day to celebrate, we want the whole damn season!

Mars enters Virgo
Expect to get sh*t done in the next 6 weeks. Mars in Virgo equals actions that are practical.
Virgo being an Earth sign will mean that the intentions that we set on this New Moon, will be backed up by a logical, hardworking to do list.

The Nodes are in Transition
In just two weeks time, on July 18, the North Node leaves Taurus and moves into Aries. The South Node leaves Scorpio and moves into Libra.
We are finalising the lessons of Taurus / Scorpio nodes where there was deception, lies and manipulation in the past 18 months. But Taurus helped you move in the right direction, reminding you deserve the quality things in life and the pleasures.

Full Moon in Capricorn
Our Full Moon in Capricorn goes exact on 03 July at 9.38pm (AEST) and will highlight the areas in your life where you feel stagnant.
We are also coming to an end of major lessons in being deceived, manipulated and the experiences that have revealed our shadows. The South Node in Scorpio is about to complete its journey. So if there’s any last memories of your past you are ready to let go of, here is your chance.

Mercury in Cancer
Mercury, the planet of communication and intellect, is now in the zodiac of Cancer, until 11 July. Cancer being the sign of sensitivity, nurturing and self-protection, will have you feeling vulnerable.

The Sun Enters Cancer
The Sun moves into the sign of Cancer today and will set the tone of becoming the home body that yearns for D&Ms with your most special and trusted loved ones.

Winter Solstice (Yule)
We celebrate Yule, the Winter Solstice. The solstice always marks the longest night of the year, and we get to celebrate the returning sun, more light and longer days ahead.

New Moon in Gemini
Our New Moon in Gemini arrives on Sunday 18 June at 2.37pm that welcomes a new beginning and curiosity for the upcoming lunar cycle.

Venus + Mars in Leo
Only the upmost Royal treatment will be acceptable as Venus and Mars are in the zodiac of Leo from today.
The lioness wants only superior love and action. She wants to see that people appreciate her and make advances in her love language.

Full Moon in Sagittarius
Our Full Moon in Sagittarius arrives this Sunday 04 June at 1.41pm (aest). This passionate sign is here to light a fire within your soul and revive what has become dull.
If you have felt lost or disconnected, this full moon asks you to release the overthinking and be in action to create what you want to see in the world.

New Moon in Taurus
New Moon in Taurus arrives this Saturday 20 May at 1.53am (aest) just hours day before it moves in to Gemini.
Good quality communication is the theme of this new moon as we unite Taurus and Gemini together.

South Node in Scorpio
The nodes have an 18 month journey with a constellation and we are currently coming towards the end of South Node in Scorpio and North Node in Taurus. This transit will come to a close on 18 July.

Venus in Cancer
Venus enters the sign of Cancer today (from May 08 until June 05), so you can expect to feel drawn to nurture your desires and relationships.
As Venus follows Mars, we have both planets in the sign of Cancer now. Both our Feminine and Masculine sides are being ruled by self care and prioritising our emotional health.

Full Moon in Scorpio + Lunar Eclipse
Our Full Moon in Scorpio with a Lunar Eclipse arrives on 06 May at 3.34am (aest) magnifying the energies of transformation, rebirth, and regeneration.

New Moon in Aries + Solar Eclipse
Our New Moon in Aries goes exact on Thursday 20 April at 2.12pm (AEST) before the moon moves into Taurus at 2.30pm. Technically this is a new moon in the fire sign of Aries, however there will be a strong element of grounding your energy with Taurus approaching minutes later.

What does your star sign symbolise?
How you do relationships, what kind of personality(ies) you have, and what path you choose to walk, can be interpreted by the most basic component of astrology; your zodiac sign (aka star sign).