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for being magic AF
2024 Witches Calender
The Coven
Casting the Spell
School Of Light

Sun is now in Capricorn
Welcome to Capricorn season, where hard work and doing things the right way will dominate. Being an earth sign, you’ll desire things to be practical and straight forward and you won’t put up with any bullsh*t.

New Moon in Sagittarius
Your New Moon in Sagittarius arrives on Wednesday 13 December at 10.32am. You might feel the resistance in being the good girl and attending all your social commitments and parties, because all you really want to do is nourish your soul, eat well and rest.

Scorpio Season Wrap Up
You can let out a sigh of relief as you come to the end of Scorpio Season this week. The season of death and rebirth has brought you a gruelling yet liberating transformation.

Weekly Guidance
We have just walked through the 11.11 portal and are currently sitting in the magic of a new beginning.
This can bring a sense of nervousness and excitement all at the same time. Both these emotions have a similar feeling in the body.

New Moon in Scorpio
Your New Moon in Scorpio will arrive on 13 November at exactly 8.27pm.
This new moon will place focus on your emotions, as Scorpio is a water sign. You will want to honour your feelings this month especially when it comes to power and your sexual desires.

What to avoid this weekend
It’s all about recovery this week as you integrate the latest eclipse portal and full moon release. With all lessons that you learn from these cosmic shake ups, you need patience and self-care to integrate and embody the new you, so you don’t repeat the same lesson again, god forbid.

Full Moon in Taurus + Lunar Eclipse
Your Full Moon in Taurus with a lunar eclipse arrives on Sunday 29th October at exactly 7.24am. This energy will bring up insecurities in relationship, with yourself and with others.

Scorpio Season
Scorpio Season is here along with the full moon energy that is building. You may get a surprise this week from the mysterious part of you that loves sex and to be sensual.

New Moon + Solar Eclipse
Our New Moon in Libra will arrive on Sunday 15 October at 4.55am with a SOLAR eclipse. We will be tucked away in bed, (possibly!) sleeping during the eclipse.

Mercury in Libra + Venus in Virgo
With Mercury moving into Libra and Venus enters Virgo this week you can use the Virgo energy to make a list of your needs and your boundaries in your love life.
Your communication has the energy behind it to be charming and loving whilst its in Libra. But be careful and don’t you be people pleasing, or sitting on the fence.

Full Moon in Aries
Full Moon in Aries arrives on Friday 29 September at 7.57pm (AEST). Aries is a passionate fire sign, full of energy and motivation. Watch your anxiety levels, as you may spiral into impulsive and reckless behaviour. Instead…

Growing Your Cosmos Patch
I reached out to a beautiful woman I met in the community many years ago, Lydia from the Cosmos Patch, to learn more about how we can grow our own vegetables. When is the best time to plant seeds? and what do we need to be aware of in the lunar cycle?
Lydia is an embodied farmer who cultivates vegetables and ferments. Her story is an inspiring tale of following her passion, listening to nature and making it her passion and living.
You can watch the full interview here: GROWING YOUR COSMOS PATCH

Spring Equinox
Spring EMERGENCE; “Emergence occurs when a complex entity has properties or behaviors that its parts do not have on their own, and emerge only when they interact in a wider whole.”
The way I understand this is, without all four seasons, we could not be here now, experiencing the rebirth.

New Moon in Virgo
Our New Moon in Virgo arrives this Friday 15 September at 11.39am (aest). This is your time for emotional clearing, a systematic look at what triggers you and how to best plan your month so you can regulate in the most perfect way.

Mars enters Libra
We have felt the shift from yesterday, your actions and they way you do things require balance. Everything you DO needs to align with your values or you will feel robbed.

Full Moon in Pisces
The Super Blue Full Moon in Pisces goes exact on Thursday 31 August at 11.35am, but we are already feeling it. Watch our beautiful symbol of femininity and emotionality rise tonight and howl with her.

Hello Virgo Season
Celebrate your humble Virgo friends, and make a special effort to take them on an adventure and tear them away from their hard working mentality. They deserve to be celebrated!

Full Moon in Aquarius
Our Full Moon in Aquarius goes exact at 4.31am (AEST) on 02 August and wants you to feel free. It wants you to realise you are the creator, the innovator of your life.

Sun enters Leo
The Sun has entered Leo and in true Lioness form, we now begin birthday celebrations for the whole month!
We don’t just have one day to celebrate, we want the whole damn season!

Mars enters Virgo
Expect to get sh*t done in the next 6 weeks. Mars in Virgo equals actions that are practical.
Virgo being an Earth sign will mean that the intentions that we set on this New Moon, will be backed up by a logical, hardworking to do list.