Your ultimate toolkit
for being magic AF

Mars in Aries
mars in aries, astrology Erin Docherty mars in aries, astrology Erin Docherty

Mars in Aries

Mars enters Aries on Tuesday 30 April at 10.33pm (AEST) which will catapult the projects you’ve been wanting to initiate into the physical world.

You will feel a sense of leadership, strength and energy this week and this is best used when you are connected to your heart.

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Jupiter conjunct Uranus
Erin Docherty Erin Docherty

Jupiter conjunct Uranus

One of our most significant astrological events in 2024 took place on Saturday, 20 April. Jupiter and Uranus meeting in Taurus for the first time since 1941.

Remember what happened in 1941?

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Sun enters Taurus
taurus, astrology Erin Docherty taurus, astrology Erin Docherty

Sun enters Taurus

As the Sun gracefully transitions into Taurus on April 20th, it invites you to find stability after a tumultuous eclipse season. For intelligent women who navigate life's complexities through the guidance of astrology, this cosmic shift promises a period of grounding and consolidation.

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How does it feel to say NO to someone good?
Erin Docherty Erin Docherty

How does it feel to say NO to someone good?

On my journey of getting to know my personal needs and what is important to me, I have realised how many things I have said yes to that don’t align with my needs and values. Leaving me feeling bitter and disappointed.

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Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence

Continuing on from my last post, DEALING WITH BIG EMOTIONS, I wanted to share with you my story of experiencing anger and protectiveness recently.

Those who have followed me for some time, will know that since I ended a relationship with a narcissist, I’ve been seeing a psychologist. This and learning NVC (non violent communication) has been a game changer for managing my energy levels and spikes in anxiety.

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Aries Season
aries season, astrology Erin Docherty aries season, astrology Erin Docherty

Aries Season

Aries Season begins today and is the first zodiac sign in the astrological calendar. We have officially started a new year!

Aries will give you the motivation and the energy, so be wise as to where you place your focus.

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Autumn Equinox
Erin Docherty Erin Docherty

Autumn Equinox

The autumn Equinox arrives on Wednesday 20 March at 2.06pm (AEDT), marking the precise moment when the sun appears directly over the Earth's equator. It is earths yin and yang moment, a time of equal light and equal dark.

You will have noticed how the sun gets up a little later and the days are getting shorter.

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New Moon in Pisces
Erin Docherty Erin Docherty

New Moon in Pisces

Pisces can be the bringer of deep insight, emotional intelligence and more vivid dreams into your night, which has the potential for you to connect with your ancestors.

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Breathe life into it
Erin Docherty Erin Docherty

Breathe life into it

I was having a beautiful time, until goanna wisdom came to show me where I let myself down. Where I felt helpless, unsafe in my own body and how I did not trust myself. There was an over coupling of emotions and past experiences that created confusion and panic in me at the time and it shocked me. This feeling has stayed with me some what, and I feel as though I am still working through this.

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