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for being magic AF

Spring Equinox
spring equinox Erin Docherty spring equinox Erin Docherty

Spring Equinox

Spring awakening is upon you and as you stir from a sleepy winter period, you get to make your way back out into the world again.

You can feel the difference in your energy, after a beautifully slow and quiet winter. You now feel the freshness of energy that makes you want to ...

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New Moon in Leo
new moon, leo, astrology Erin Docherty new moon, leo, astrology Erin Docherty

New Moon in Leo

Your New Moon in Leo arrived on Sunday 04 August at 9.13pm (AEST), four days before the powerful portal of Lions Gate.

This new moon is screaming for you to express yourself, to not hold back, and to bring ALL OF YOU into your life.

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Full Moon in Capricorn 2
Erin Docherty Erin Docherty

Full Moon in Capricorn 2

Your second full moon in Capricorn arrives on Sunday at 8.17pm. This time will be Capricorn at 29 degrees, the final stages of its cycle in conjunction with Pluto, the planet of transformation.

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Embracing more of yourself
Erin Docherty Erin Docherty

Embracing more of yourself

I've always said "Self love is more than just taking a bath."

My work is about empowerment and creating a nurturing space for a woman to embrace all parts of herself. Especially the parts she turns her back on.

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New Moon in Cancer
Erin Docherty Erin Docherty

New Moon in Cancer

Your New Moon in Cancer arrives this Saturday 06 July at 8.57am. It is calling you to nurture your heart and give your sensitivity more space to be acknowledged.

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Have you had enough of feeling the uncomfortable feels?
Erin Docherty Erin Docherty

Have you had enough of feeling the uncomfortable feels?

Since starting therapy almost two years ago, I’ve been diving deep into the uncomfortable, facing a lot of my own sh*t and shadows. I've been feeling a lot of uncomfortable emotions and generally feeling pretty confronted by it all.

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Sun enters Gemini
sun, gemini, astrology Erin Docherty sun, gemini, astrology Erin Docherty

Sun enters Gemini

As the Sun entered Gemini on Monday 20 May, the sign of communication, intelligence and a sign that loves to connect with others, you can feel a desire to express yourself outwardly in your social circles.

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New Moon in Taurus
new moon, taurus, astrology Erin Docherty new moon, taurus, astrology Erin Docherty

New Moon in Taurus

Your New Moon in Taurus arrives on Wednesday 08 May 1.21pm (AEST) and marks the time in your calendar to set your intentions for a new cycle ahead.

This is your blank canvas to paint the story of your life. With Taurus being an influence this new moon, you can make a …

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